“Seeing the World with Ears” An Introduction into Acoustic Ecology

Aleksandar Vejnović, https://aleksandar-vejnovi.wixsite.com/vejna

Course description

“Seeing the World with Ears” – Introduction into Acoustic Ecology is a theoretical-practical based course where students will be introduced into the deeper understanding of listening and the awareness of their sonic environment. Besides the facilitation of coined terms and approaches in Acoustic Ecology, the students will explore their acoustic environment with portable audio recorders and create their own but not exclusively soundscape compositions according to its design principles.

Students and other participants enrolled in the course which will take a place at the Center for Innovative Media, Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka in the winter semester 2020. The course will be held on the 23rd October, 6th and 13th November 2020. The given task would be the sound production in the spaces of Rijeka and surrounding. Before the beginning of the manifestation Glowing Globe, students will have practical finalization of their project with the auspices of their mentor Aleksandar Vejnović. The results of this workshop will be presented as a media sculpture on the exhibition and a symposium Glowing Globe, Sound of Science, Rijeka 2020.