Mathematical exhibitionTaxi geometry 9.9.2021.-4.10.2021.

Authors of the exhibition: prof. Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, former student od mathematics Dina Mlacović and art student Marko Mrvoš.

Organizers: Academy of Applied Arts, Center for Innovative Media and the Department of Mathematics (University of Rijeka)

Location: Trsat Campus, Rijeka

Although at first glance it may seem that mathematics and art have no common ground, they often intertwine and support each other. Mathematics helps the artist to turn his ideas into reality, either by using concrete techniques of drawing and art creation based on mathematical laws or by concretizing abstract ideas using the analytical way of thinking that mathematics teaches us. On the other hand, art helps mathematics to show its other, some would say real face, to reveal to everyone its captivating abstract nature in a different way.
The Mathematical Exhibition is an excellent way of presenting mathematical content, and by mixing art and mathematics, we present mathematical concepts in a completely different way.
We tried to make an exhibition that would be both artistic and mathematical and that will allow art lovers to walk around beautiful paintings without knowing that they were made with the help of mathematics. An exhibition that will allow interested visitors to peek into the mathematical background of paintings, but also an exhibition that will amaze and surprise mathematicians by presenting mathematical concepts in a completely unusual way.